It seems clear that we do not have an interventionist God. The horrific nature of life on Earth for so many is extremely hard to reconcile with the idea of a benevolent God who actively steps in to prevent harm in an omnipotent and omniscient manner.
Experiences of enlightenment and God describe an 'otherness', an experience of being that is beyond this world entirely. Mindfulness - accepting everything exactly as it is right now - is the only way to join with this experience of otherness and be truly beyond with God. This is because we are meeting God where God is, we are sharing the same awareness, the same consciousness.
Any experience of God that is not one of oneness, that does not involve the ending of all separation, is either a projection of our beliefs in a god or a partial filtering of God's distant influence.
So to be one with God we must share the consciousness of God which means our awareness must be totally accepting, totally allowing, totally untouched by the world, even whilst we are still here with the world. In this way we bring the consciousness of God into the world in a way that God cannot do as God by definition must always be other and beyond.
So this is when things here in the world can start to change as a completely new and other consciousness is now present. We will be inspired to act and interact differently, with the divinity of the other, that is with the grace of the presence of God's consciousness.