Conspiracies are not way out, bizarre and unthinkable. They are mundane, everyday occurrences that we are all extremely familiar with. Of course the rich and powerful lie, cheat and steal and do all they can to cover up their illegal and immoral activities. We all know this, along with death, taxes and gravity, it is one of the certainties of life. No one believes our leaders are beacons of morality and selfless acts of generosity.
So why this knee jerk reaction against conspiracies? Every government in every country, now and throughout history are involved in conspiracies of varying degrees of self-serving insidiousness.
So why do we default to dismissing conspiracies? The answer is obvious: the conspirators create, reinforce and spread this idea for their own protection. It is just one more lie, one more deception as they continue to desperately grasp onto their positions of power and influence.