Mind over matter - already proven

The predominant belief in western society today is materialism, the belief that all that exists, all that is real, is matter, that is, the physical world. Identity, emotion, thought and all non-physical things are seen as secondary, as being caused by the material world.

It is perfectly understandable that this belief is so popular, but it is important to remember it is just a belief, and just one belief of many possible rational beliefs about the world. Unfortunately many materialist seem to think that their belief is the only sensible, provable and rational way of seeing and explaining the world. This is of course nonsense.

Science is very good at analysing and explaining physical processes, but that in no way means that physical processes are the only processes that are at work.

Scientists and materialists will rightly stress the importance of evidence. However when they are presented with evidence that doesn't support their belief in materialism it is surprising how many resort to very unscientific arguments against that evidence.

Pear labs have shown repeatedly that conscious intent affects random number generating machines. This is of course impossible from a materialist point of view and yet it happens. The chances that these changes are due to chance are infinitesimal. However because the materialist belief system doesn't allow for any mechanism by which this could be happening they cling to the belief that it is in fact happening by chance even though that is not a rational response to the numbers.

Some may also question the reliability and integrity of the researchers but that is completely unfounded and unjustifiable and clutching an straws.

So rather than explore this further and widen their perspective to actually start looking for the mechanism by which this phenomena occurs they dismiss it and hold on to their precious belief system that says it isn't possible. They ignore the evidence and arrogantly proclaim it cannot be so.
