Prison planet - a few indicators

Exploring some ideas and redefinitions within the analogy that this planet is a prison.

The best prison is one where the inmates don't know they are in prison and have no concept of a world outside the prison that they could escape to.

The bars of this prison are virtual, the cell walls are a temporal and spatial 3D illusion.

In a prison, the inmates in charge are the baddest nastiest most immoral and ruthless and violent prisoners; so to here on Earth with our leaders, both visible and hidden.

Reoffending rates are notoriously high, hence reincarnation and increasing population.

Free Will: We are free to deal with being prison in any way we choose. We can fight against it, resent it, try and escape, withdraw, distract ourselves, riot and destroy, contemplate, learn, play, work, go within, help others, be constructive, prepare for the day we are released.

Why new age ascension ideas are never going to happen: the idea presented is that one day soon all the prison doors will fling wide open and we will all suddenly be free to go and as we walk free all out criminal tendencies will magically disappear; this is not going to happen.

Religion: an historical rehabilitation program that has become corrupted by many inmates as a means to further their criminal intents; a means by which the wardens placate the inmates into acceptance of their sentence and of their guilt and unworthiness.

Spirituality: an avoidance of the truth of imprisonment, a futile attempt to escape the prison; or the spontaneous and true experience of nearing the end of one's sentence, the preparation for release, the sign one is nearing parole.

Buddhist escaping the wheel of karma: being released for good behaviour after serving your time.

Karma: natural justice.